文章来源: 纽约调音师2022-05-13 07:52:28





1. 对所有的部件确认。(包括,对已损坏的配件做更换,或修理,修正)。
2. 对挂线系统的确认。
3. 对键盘的确认。(包括,琴键的后档键下尼,中档圆销钉孔,尼; 前档扁销钉孔,尼; 键高,键深确认)。
4. 榔头的形状,与弦的工作关系确认。
5. 键盘与机芯的联动工作确认。
6. 机芯的机件连联动确认。
7. 对钢琴的标准音高的确认,精调完成。
8. 对音效的确认,(包括,音量动态,音色的定位)。

Someone walking through the factory, following a single piano as it takes shape, could forget a basic fact: Every Steinway is made the same way, from the same materials, by the same workers. Yet every Steinway ends up being different from every other--not in appearance, perhaps, but in ways that are not easily put into words: colorations of sound, nuances of strength or delicacy, what many pianists call--here's that word again--personality. Some Steinways end up sounding small and mellow, which is fine for chamber music. Some are so big and muscular and percussive that a full-strength orchestra cannot drown them out. On some, the keys move with little effort. On others, the pianist's hands and arms get a workout. 
