文章来源: 带刺野玫瑰2006-04-21 08:37:04
居然这疯婆有历史,为什么美国白宫还给她通行证? 带刺野玫瑰 是美国办事人stupid,还是有人别有用心?美国安全人员是一群白痴呢,还是他们故意捣乱?破坏了会场,说声对不起就完事了,说服不了一个中国人的我。另外,布什访华时,保安全套都用他们美国自己的安全保护。中国领导人出访,中国安全人员应该至少了解一下有哪些人申请进入现场的。如有历史记录的人,中国国家安全部不会不知道的。 轻描谈写的说声对不起是不能接收的。 带刺野玫瑰 那位发放记者通行证的庸官及说错话(说成Republic of China)的白痴应立即解雇。一张临时白宫通行证? 带刺野玫瑰 她怎么能随随便便就能拿到一张白宫同行证的呢?安全措施就那么马虎?U.S. stop should lecturing everyone on how to make the world safe. They can not even keep their own President secure in his own home when he is being visited by the second most powerful man in the world. Shame on the United States!!! sham on the United States! 带刺野玫瑰 U.S. should stop lecturing everyone on how to make the world safe. They even can not keep their own President secure in his own home when he is being visited by the second most powerful man in the world. Shame on the United States!!! 美国的安全措施有效吗? 带刺野玫瑰 这样的峰会,那种疯婆怎么能入场的?看来美国的安全措施只是骗骗平民百姓的。老百姓们进出美国机场,恨不得让人脱光了衣服才能进。而那些真正的重要场合,他们又没折了。