第一次听到有人当面说 Chinese plague
文章来源: 灵魂在高处2020-07-24 16:48:26

昨晚的toaster master网上周会上,只是一个speaker, 那就是Bill. 我是timer. 他一开口的话让我愣了一下,都忘记了给他记时。

他大概的原话是: During this Chinese plague, we have to act positively to cope with it. 

除了在电视新闻上听到破总统说 Chinese virus 外,现实工作生活中听到和使用的都是pandemic, Covid, Covid-19. 第一次听到有人当面说 Chinese plague,我的情绪受到了不小的震动,虽然我一下子也不明白为什么。

好想马上退出,但我觉得太下策。Bill 还在演讲,但我已经决定放弃给他计时。我在他的一个讲话的间隙中问道,你还要讲多久,你沒告诉我们你的时间,我也没有给你计时。他就结束了。会议继续进行。


到了最后毎个人的一分钟即兴演讲时刻,我终于说到,tonight I am upset by the words Bill used in his speech. 马上有人回应说 I understand. It all because of the stupid president.


1.  I’m so sorry that we have some closed minded speeches. Thank you for being in toastmasters [heart][heart][heart]

2. Thanks for calling out the use of an unfortunate phrase at last night's meeting. I'm sure it was not directed at you personally, but it was still hurtful. I'm sorry.
Some may believe the use of such phrases is clever, but it's not. I will strive to avoid such language and will encourage others to do the same.
Thanks for all you do.
今天是第二天,想起咋晚上的这件事,情绪上已经趋于平静。我想我当时没有马上退会是对的;选择说出来让大家知道我 upset 了,我也做对了,我为自己高兴。 