从STOICISM说起(9):12 Questions
文章来源: donau2023-06-11 09:27:55

往回翻翻发现已经写到(9),不过一直在借题说苏格拉底,自己心里都惭愧,Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions; the philosophy holds that becoming a clear and unbiased thinker allows one to understand the universal reason (logos)。理论上来说,这种哲学观最多算是苏格拉底学派的传承而已,直接的影响更多可能来自于Plato的 Academy and the Megarian School。

话题嘛,又不是出轨火车,很好往回扳的。Stoicism的主旨,最本质的一点是回答,What do you actually value?我一直认为,生命很公平,每个人都只有一次,大家答同一份试卷,慢慢学着认识到什么对自己更重要,何时该向哪个方向走,it makes it easy for you to ignore what does not matter and focus on what does matter。


1 Who are you spending time with? 

正如Goethe所说,告诉我你跟谁在一起,我就能说你是谁。这个太简单了,妈妈总是跟孩子在一起,医生和病人一起。你看什么书,和谁交谈,决定了你所在的世界。 It can makes you better, it can makes you worse, it keeps exactly who you are。苏格拉底也说,你就是你五个最近的朋友level的平均值。人很难定义自己吗?我想不是的,Spending you time with persons who make you a better person——这句,是Stoicism的直接引用。

2 Is this in my control?

Stoicism的一个主题是,判断生命中可以控制和不能控制的,不要浪费时间在不可控是事务上。中文也爱说,“天要下雨”,当然这一类属于不可控。不可控就不控啦,去做那些自己可控的事情。Focus on what is in our control,actions, thoughts, opinions etc.。比如准备一个很难的考试,能过?不知道,但是知道的是自己可以努力。



为此,我准备了六年,尽管一直不知道有没有机会,但是我知道的是,我能控制自己如何应对每天的工作,该Training training,该考试考试,Life 也不过是days的集合,而已。

3 What does your ideal day look like?

还是那句,A life is days,如何度过生命,也不过是如何度过每一天。套用那本书Atomic Habits,每一天变atomic life。这个话题我想是可以接问题2的。今天怎么过?making more money, getting more fame, getting more influence?星期天,要不要还是5点半起床?doing workout, writing, spending time with family?然后问问自己,is it close to the life I want to be? Is it the person I want to be?

4 To be or to do?

我们有句谚语,It’s amazing how much you can accomplish if you do not care about who gets the credit。有时候人们喜欢把accomplishment和impact等同起来,当然有成就的人,在社会群体中声音大,但是Stoicism提的问题是,Do you care about accomplishment, or do you care about impact?Accomplishment不同的人有不同定义,Impact影响的才是人,所以To be an important person. Accomplish important things。能不能?不知道,转问题2好了。

5 If I am not for me, who is? If I am only for me, who am I?

当然了,每个人都应该fight for yourself, you have to do it for yourself,这是天理。所以Stoicism接着问,If you only care about your attention, who are you?


6 What am I missing by choosing to worry or to be afraid?

尼采很详细地讨论了worry和afraid的区别——所以大家觉得现代哲学无趣无用。而哲学在Stoicism的年代没那么复杂,When you worry, ask yourself, what am I choosing to not see right now. How are you going to spend your energy right now。

7 Are you doing your jobs?

无论何时何地,每个人都有固定的job(我assume吃饭睡觉什么都不做也算)。说白了就是,该干嘛的时候干嘛。再引申一下,我想是,什么年纪做什么事。我一向是multi-task的反对者(不能不承认根本原因是自己应付不了) 。Be here now,我陪孩子聊天的时候都尽量不看手机,不然一定会被抗议。

8 What is the most important thing (to you)?

接上一个问题。几乎每个人都会大叫,我太忙了!这句话背后的意思大家也都明白,太多事情要做了,全部做完?没可能的。所以要很清楚, What is you actually value然后尽量安排How all things are in balance with each other。过去的?不理了,只要不被(少被)太多路过的人和事干扰就好。

9 Who is this for?


10 Does this actually matter?

还是那件事,做任何一件事的时候都可以自问,is this essential?不能不承认,其实人们大多数的时候说的做的都不那么essential,所以问题不大,但是心里明白这一点没坏处啊,When you eliminate the inessential you get the double benefit of doing the essential things better。

11 Will this be alive time or dead time?

人们爱说,kill time,虽然也没错,然而We kill time as time killing us。也就是,做任何一件事都有两种结果,浪费时间和没浪费时间。我知道“时间是用来浪费的”那种论断,借口呗,如果能不浪费,当然更好——至于浪费不浪费的定义,看个人。

12 Is this who I want to be?

再说一句谚语,You are going to be so you might as well not be an asshole。虽然粗俗,不过真实。和原来的朋友聊天,她们笑我,你还真实现了你的理想。我问,什么理想?回,当初大家一起算命,你说你就想生几个孩子,找个安静的地方住一辈子的!


Actually, it is life that is asking us that question, and it’s our actions and decisions that provide the answer——Viktor Frankl