文章来源: 有问求解2019-04-11 19:10:38

本周新闻精彩纷呈,学习firstunle, 做一小结:

  1. 新AG Barr 确定老川的2016年竞选被监听了 “Spy"一词激起千层浪。本周三,在现场直播的国会听证会上,AG Barr说,他相信老川的竞选确实被监听了,他要结合所有的国会调查,IG报告,进行彻底梳理,看O8政府对总统竞选对手的监听是否违法。他还直接将Spygate的 严重性与越战期间的针对美国公民的大规模监听相提并论。

Muller 调查结束,DOJ转向Spygate调查。老川2016年底说自己被wiretap的时候,有多少人相信呢?呵呵,早说了,不要听主媒的,主媒根本就是主党的宣传工具。网络时代,google, Twitter, FB, 自己要学会找真相。

  1. 周四Nunes正式向AG提交对8人的 犯罪指控,要求DOJ调查起诉

这八人主要涉及炮制假情报,制造老川通俄门事件。其中五人被指控对国会撒谎,误 导调查,泄露国家机密;两人炮制假情报,骗取FISA对老川及团队的监控许可;一人涉及在全球范围内泄露美国国家机密

  1. 周四,O8的 一名白宫法律顾问Greg Craig被联邦大陪审团指控

 他被指控两次对DOJ调查撒谎,没有告知他的律师事务所是为乌克兰政府工作,并 在FARA注册。这是Muller调查Manafort时挖出的料,他是调查中第一个被起诉的民主党人,曾是O8的 白宫法律顾问,也是克林顿弹劾案中的高级法律顾问。这里有一篇很有意思的报道,不知与前白宫法律顾问被指控相关:乌克兰检方质问美国,为什么阻止他们拿到签证,入境向美国检方提供乌克兰某些集团用资金支持民主党候选人希拉里,干扰2016年大选的实据

  1. 周四Wiki Leaks 的 Jullian Assange在英国被捕


最后送两个视频 :一个是C-SPAN被点击最多的,小辣椒Candace Owens国会听证当场打脸两位国会议员:Ted Lieu居然在直播听证中断章取义,用短录音抹黑Candace同情希特勒,被捉现行;Chairman Nadler轻慢无礼,根本没有听Candace反驳,半梦半醒之间挥锤指责Candace用stupid一词侮辱议员,殊不知Candace是 指责Ted Lieu认为黑人很stupid,听不懂她的演讲,而可以被Ted Liu截取的短录音蒙骗。

事实上Candace Owens国会听证的开篇陈述才是精华,值得各族裔认真学习:


CANDACE OWENS, TURNING POINT USA: Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Mr. Collins thank you for having me here today. I received word on my way in that many of the journalist were confused as to why I was invited and none of them knew that I am myself was a victim of a hate crime when I was in high school. That is something that very few people know about me because the media and the journalists on the left are not interested in telling the truth about me because I don't fit the stereotype of what they like to see in black people. I am a Democrat. I support the President of the United States and I advocate for things that are actually affecting the black community.

I am honored to be here today in front of you all because the person sitting behind me is my 75-year-old grandfather. I have always considered myself to be my grandfather's child and I mean to say that my sense of humor, my passion and my work ethic all comes from the man that is sitting behind me.

My grandfather grew up on a sharecropping farm in the segregated South. He grew up in an America where words like racism and white nationalism held real meaning under the Democratic Party's Jim Crow laws. My grandfather's first job was given to him at the age of five years old and his job was to lay tobacco out to dry in an addict in the South. My grandfather has picked cotton and he has also had experiences with the Democrat terrorist organization of that time, the Ku Klux Klan. They would regularly visit his home and they would shoot bullets into it. They had an issue with his father, my great-grandfather.

During my formative years I have the privilege of growing up in my grandfather's home. It is going to shock the committee but not once, not in a single breath of a conversation did my grandfather and tell me that I could not do something because of my skin color. Not once did my grandfather hold a gripe against the white man. I was simply never taught to view myself as a victim because of my heritage. I--I learned about faith in God, family and hard work. Those were the only lessons of my childhood.

There isn't a single adult today that in good conscience would make the argument that America is a more racist, more white nationalist society than it was when my grandfather was growing up and yet we are hearing these terms center around today because what they want to say is that brown people need to be scared which seems to be the narrative that we hear every four years right ahead of a presidential election.

Here are some things we never hear. 75 percent of the black boys in California don't meet state reading standards. In inner cities like Baltimore within five high schools and one middle school not a single student was found to be proficient in math or reading in 2016. The singlehood--these single motherhood rate in the black community which is at 23 percent in the 1960s when my grandfather was coming out is at a staggering 74 percent today. I am guessing there will be no committee hearings about that. There are more black babies born--there are more black babies aborted than born alive in cities like New York and you have Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo lighting of buildings to celebrate late-term abortions. I could go on and on. My point is that white nationalist--white nationalism does not do any of those things that I just brought up. Democrat policies did. Let me be clear the hearing today is not about white nationalism or hate crimes, it is about fear mongering, power and control. It is a preview of a Democrat 20/20 election strategy the same as the Democrat 2016 election strategy. They blame Facebook. They blame Google. They blame Twitter. Really, they blame the birth of social media which has disrupted their monopoly on mines. They called this hearing because they believe that if it wasn't for social media voices like mine would never exist, then my movement Blexit which is inspiring lack of Americans to lead--to leave the Democrat party would have never come about and they certainly believe that Donald Trump would not be in office today.

Looking on the next thing to focus on now that the Russian collusion hoax has fallen apart. What they won't tell you Bell this statistics and the rise of white nationalism is that they have simply change the data set points by widening the definition of hate crimes and upping the number of reporting agencies that are able to report on them. What I mean to say is that they are manipulating statistics.

The goal here is to scare Blacks, Hispanics, gays and Muslims into helping them censor dissenting opinions ultimately to helping them regain control of our countries narrative which they feel that they lost. They feel that President Donald Trump should not have beat Hillary. If they actually were concerned about white nationalism, they would be holding hearings on Antifa a far left violent white gang to determine one day in Philadelphia in August that I come a black woman was not fit to sit in a restaurant. They chased me out, they yield race traitor to a group of black and Hispanic police officers who formed a line to protect me from their ongoing assaults. They threw water at me. They threw eggs that me and the leftist media remain silent on it.

If they were serious about the rise of hate crimes they may (INAUDIBLE) examining themselves and the hate they have drummed up in this country. Bottom line is that white supremacy, racism, national--white nationalism, words that once held real meaning have now become nothing more than election strategies every four years the black communities offered handouts in fear, handouts and fear. Reparations and white nationalism. This is the Democrat preview. Of course society is not perfectible. We have heard testimony of that today. There are pockets of evil that exist in those things are horrible and they should be condemned. But I believe the legacy of the ancestry of black Americans is being insulted every single day. I will not pretend to be a victim in this country. I know that that makes many country on the left uncomfortable. I want to talk about real issues in black America theater want to talk about real issues in this country, real concerns.

The biggest scandal--this is my last sentence--in American politics is that Democrats have been conning minorities into the belief that we are perpetual victims all but ensuring our failure. Racial division and class warfare are central to the Democrat party platform. They need Blacks to hate whites, the rich to hate the poor. Soon enough it will be the tall hating the short.
