不是印度的十年 而是印度的世纪
文章来源: 风萧萧_Frank2023-07-08 08:25:32
https://www.outlookindia.com/business/it-s-not-india-s-decade-it-s-india-s- century-mckinsey-s-sternfels-news-220635
麦肯锡计划对印度做出“不成比例的承诺”,这就是其全球董事会将于 12 月来到印度的原因。麦肯锡公司首席执行官鲍勃•斯特恩费尔斯麦肯锡公司首席执行官鲍勃•斯特恩费尔斯展望业务 2022 年 9 月 2 日
麦肯锡公司首席执行官鲍勃•斯特恩费尔斯 (Bob Sternfels) 表示,印度将成为世界未来的专业制造中心,因为到 2047 年,印度将拥有全球 20% 的工作居民。
斯特恩费尔斯表示,这不仅是印度的十年,而且是印度的世纪,所有关键要素都已就位——大量劳动居民、跨国公司重新构想世界供应链,以及数字化规模的跨越式发展——不仅为印度人民获得特殊的东西 印度的金融体系,但可能适用于全世界。
“许多人都说这是印度的十年。当我们看到这里的一些未煮熟的部分时,我真的认为这是印度的世纪。印度是世界上长期的专业制造国家。到 2047 年,印度将 拥有世界上 20% 的劳动人口,”斯特恩费尔斯在接受《经济时报》采访时表示。
麦肯锡计划对印度做出“不成比例的承诺”,这就是其全球董事会将于 12 月来到印度的原因。
该公司在印度拥有 5,000 名员工,他希望将这一数字增加一倍,达到 10,000 人。
在回答有关首席执行官们对公司状况有何看法的问题时,斯特恩费尔斯表示:“我在过去 12 个月中所做的许多事情之一就是走出去与购买者交谈,我已经与超过 500 名客户进行了交谈。 我们的首席执行官在最后 12 个月内。
“CEO们现在希望进攻和防守同时进行。所以防御措施……支撑稳定表,提高效率,确保公司能够应对冲击。他们还说,我的稳定表更健康 “比这两次经济低迷时期都要好。我希望真正进行两到三个大型战略赌注,以便我能够脱颖而出,”他补充道。
It's Not India's Decade, It's India's Century: McKinsey's Sternfels
McKinsey plans a 'disproportionate commitment' to India and that's why its global board will be coming to the country in December
McKinsey & Co CEO Bob SternfelsMcKinsey & Co CEO Bob Sternfels   Outlook Business Sept 2, 2022 
McKinsey & Co CEO Bob Sternfels has said that India would be the world's future expertise manufacturing unit as it should have 20 per cent of the globe's working inhabitants by 2047. 
Sternfels said it will not just be India's decade, but India's century, with all key components in place – a big working inhabitants, multinational corporations reimagining world provide chains, and a rustic leapfrogging at digital scale-to obtain one thing particular not only for the Indian financial system, however probably for the world.
"Many individuals have stated that it is India’s decade. I truly assume it is India’s century once we have a look at a few of the uncooked components right here. India is the longer term expertise manufacturing unit for the world. By 2047, India would have 20 per cent of the world’s working inhabitants,” Sternfels said in an interview with Economic Times.
"India has leapfrogged on the digital scale. All these are the uncooked supplies to do one thing particular for not solely the Indian financial system however probably for the world," he added.
McKinsey plans a "disproportionate commitment" to India and that's why its global board will be coming to the country in December. 
The firm has 5,000 people in India, a number he wants to double to 10,000. 
Sternfels also spoke about the current scandals which have hit McKinsey, the state of the worldwide financial system, inflation woes and deglobalisation.
Reacting to a question regarding what the CEOs are telling concerning the state of their corporations, Sternfels said, "One of many issues that I did over the previous 12 months was get out and speak to purchasers, and I've talked to over 500 of our CEOs within the final 12 months.
"CEOs now wish to play offence and protection on the similar time. So defensive measures… shore up the steadiness sheet, enhance effectivity, and make sure the firm can face up to shocks. They’re additionally saying, my steadiness sheet is more healthy than it was in both of these downturns. And I wish to truly take two or three large strategic bets in order that I can come out on prime," he added.