文章来源: 风萧萧_Frank2023-06-28 12:07:25


2023-06-23 新华社 作者:乔本孝







2nacheki 2023年6月28日  #africanews

Macron let me be abusive


let me be abusive a little bit president macron  and start by doing what is necessary on behalf of the our people; people of Zambia because Zambia  was more or less used like a guinea pig welcome to  candid Africa truthful and Unapologetic one of  the deliverables for this Summit and president  
macron is aware I came down here and requested  that obviously also the president of China and  
that we should ensure that by the time this Summit  takes place we'll have delivered the Zambia debt  
restructuring project and as that yesterday this  is one of the deliverables at this Summit thank  
you to China thank you to France for sharing the  G20 framework thank you to South Africa for being  
the deputy chair for this process and also to  all of the countries that in one world or another  
supported this process to reach the conclusion  it did yesterday and the benefit it will deliver  
to other data countries because Zambia was more  or less used like a guinea pig and we are now  
in this situation and we hope that the lessons of  that process can be learned and learned correctly  
and be applied to the other processes that will  commence the starting I believe uh following this  
this Summit but I must also say thank you  to the people of Zambia for their patience  
we took this project as one of our  responsibilities before we formed government  
as an opposition party that debt restructuring was  a critical deliverable for us and the people of  
Zambia were very patient extremely patient pain on  the other side because this structural adjustment  
the structural processes and if there's one lesson  that I want to share with other countries that  
leadership is crucial at the country level to be  clear of what you want and say so to your people  
people may not support everything  that's necessary institutional reform
consumption expenditure controls I dare say habits  of corruption I enjoyed by many in our countries  
and when you put reforms you confront them as well  but it's important to be intentional as leaders  
and then deliver that to our communities they  will go through the pain but they will support  
you as Zambians have done that thank you very  much to the people let me put context to this
the poverty and climate change we have  already argued that these are intertwined  
there's no question about it let me  draw the first aspect of the connection  
even before we talk about financing  new financing more financing
when countries are not growing
economically you cannot expect a poor  person to carry an additional burden
that is necessary Drive Cross Drive  development so poverty actually exacerbates  
the climate change mitigation  measures I argue and it's very clear  
if you are asking your poor people to switch  energy sources can they afford from charcoal  
to clean lineage they are already stressed  so we need to find mechanisms to support  
the poor in our countries less privileged I heard  this word called poverty the poor but the less  
privileged to be able to come through to support  the changes that are required to mitigate climate  
change negative effects I think that's very very  important it's also true to say climate change  
on the flip side has imposed new obligations on  the less privileged for us as a global Community  
to mobilize resources yes but these resources  must be invested to help grow the economies  
of the less developed countries very important  because by doing that we are creating capacity  
in those economies to mitigate against climate  change and obviously poverty reduction so value  
addition not just with the electric vehicle  industry that is coming through huge industry  
it is important president macron that we look  at deliberately in investing in extraction  
critical minerals for example in  value adding these manuals in country  
obviously that will help the growth side of  the GDP create jobs business opportunities  
for the transactional change in there if I may  call it that so I think this must be delivered  
as well rather than generic discussions we  must dive deep into the envelope and begin  
to say these are requirements these are needs  these are minimums and it will mutually benefit  
as somebody said yesterday not to paralyze the  conversation the North and the South it would  
definitely be structured properly benefit the  north the South and that's not the debate we  
must be engaging in but mutuality for greater  good for a safe world for a world that we can  
pass on to the next Generation in a responsible  manner there we have it let us know if you liked  
or hated what you had in the comments Below  in this show we do not give you opinions we  
want us to discuss below that's a whole point of  listening to a candid speech not as imposing our  
opinions on you but all of us discussing opinions  if you liked it or didn't like it please make sure  
to like subscribe and hit the notification  Bell it's the best way to show YouTube this  
is a good video and you can share it to more  like-minded people like you so this has been  
me mikeymushi from 2nacheki and that has been  your candid Africa truthful and Unapologetic
Thank you

Zambia to Pay 1% Interest After 'Mission Impossible' Debt Deal


Matthew Hill, Bloomberg News

Hakainde Hichilema, Zambia's president, during a Bloomberg Television interview in Paris, France, on Friday, June 23, 2023. Zambia reached an agreement in principle to restructure $6.3 billion of bilateral debt even though the accord didn’t meet all the government’s targets, according to Hichilema. Photographer: Nathan Laine/Bloomberg

Hakainde Hichilema, Zambia's president, during a Bloomberg Television interview in Paris, France, on Friday, June 23, 2023. Zambia reached an agreement in principle to restructure $6.3 billion of bilateral debt even though the accord didn’t meet all the government’s targets, according to Hichilema. Photographer: Nathan Laine/Bloomberg , Bloomberg

(Bloomberg) -- Zambia will pay interest rates of as low as 1% until 2037 as part of its debt restructuring deal secured with nations including China this week, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

The southern African country will push out maturities on $6.3 billion in bilateral debt to 2043, representing an average extension of more than 12 years. Rates will increase to a maximum 2.5% after 14 years under the baseline scenario, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the details weren’t public. Zambia was paying an average of 3.9% on its Chinese bilateral loans, according to estimates by Debt Justice, a UK organization that campaigns for loan cancellation for poor nations.

The Zambian government announced the landmark deal in Paris this week under the Group of 20’s Common Framework mechanism for traditional creditors of the Paris Club to negotiate deep relief alongside new lenders, especially China. The nation must now get its private creditors to agree to comparable treatment. 

Read More: Zambia Wins Debt Relief, Sets Precedent for Stressed Nations

It’s a major breakthrough for a process that had been mired in delays, just as the number of countries needing restructuring expanded. Zambia became Africa’s first pandemic-era sovereign defaulter in November 2020, and has been in talks with its official creditor committee for about a year.

“It was like a mission impossible,” Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema said Saturday to a cheering crowd of hundreds at the airport on his return to Zambia’s capital, Lusaka. “It wasn’t a straight line. It was zig-zag, sideways, forward, backwards, down, up. But we kept our eyes on the ball.”

While the deal doesn’t include debt cancellation, and rather pushes out maturities at much lower interest rates, people including International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva welcomed what she described as “deep debt relief.” Chinese lenders resisted writedowns, preferring to extend payment terms.

The Zambian finance ministry couldn’t immediately provide comment when asked to confirm the details. A London-based spokesperson for Lazard Freres, the government’s financial advisers, declined to comment. The Chinese embassy in Lusaka didn’t respond to requests for comment.

The deal includes a contingency for if Zambia’s economy performs better than expected, at which point creditors will get paid more. Zambia said in October it’s seeking to revamp about $12.8 billion in loans out of its total external public liabilities that grew to more than $18 billion by the end of 2022. 

Other key terms of the deal, reported here for the first time, include:

  • Under the baseline scenario, the reduction to net present value of the debt equals about 40% using a 5% discount factor.
  • If Zambia is judged to be upgraded to a “medium” debt carrying capacity, interest rates rise to a maximum 4%.
  • Principal repayments are to begin in 2026, at 0.5% or about $30 million yearly, until 2035.
  • A loan for the Kafue Gorge Lower hydropower plant will be included in the restructuring, even after China requested it be ring-fenced.

While the IMF put Zambia’s bilateral debt at nearly $8 billion by the end of 2021, the government said it’s restructuring $6.3 billion in official loans. The reason for the difference is that some Chinese debt was reclassified as commercial, the people said. These loans will still get comparable treatment.

Zambia now needs to seek restructuring terms at least as favorable from its commercial creditors, including the holders of $3 billion in eurobonds that are also more than $500 million in arrears. 

Hichilema in his speech on Saturday thanked French President Emmanuel Macron and Chinese President Xi Jinping. China and France co-chaired the official creditors’ committee. Zambia’s leader said in an interview on Friday that he plans to visit China within the next three months or so, in what would be his first trip there since winning power in August 2021.

--With assistance from Taonga Mitimingi and Jennifer Zabasajja.



2023-06-26  陈莺迁 




































童黎  2018-12-16


【编译/观察者网 童黎】

“令人遗憾的是,这种(错误)信息竟来自如此高级别的官员。”美国安顾问博尔顿(John Bolton)声称中国借债务“接管”赞比亚国有企业,随即遭到赞政府正面“打脸”。





博尔顿  视频截图


赞比亚总统发言人阿莫斯·钱达(Amos Chanda)就此向路透社澄清道,博尔顿抛出的数字——60-100亿美元是错误的。他表示,赞比亚目前的外债总额为97亿美元,其中包括中国持有的31亿美元债务。





9月13日,赞比亚财政部长姆瓦纳卡特韦(Margaret Mwanakatwe)专门发表声明强调,政府没有向任何贷款方提供任何国有企业作为任何贷款的抵押品,与中国政府及中资放款人相关的债务也没有出现违约,影射中国政府“接管”任何资产的做法不切实际也不可行。

姆瓦纳卡特韦 图自《卢萨卡时报》

有意思的是,她当时也指出,2018年上半年,赞比亚共向各类债权人支付了3.4182亿美元的利息,而英国媒体《非洲机密(Africa Confidential )》将其误报为了4.89亿美元。

另据路透社报道,今年6月,赞比亚决定无限期推迟所有计划中的借款,减缓了新债务的累积速度。该国总统伦古(Edgar Lungu)上月表示,将致力于提高其债务管理的透明度,并确保债务水平保持可持续。







