Bill Gates已抵北京 习近平周五接见
文章来源: 风萧萧_Frank2023-06-14 23:32:44

Bill Gates访华已抵北京 路透社:习近平周五接见


路透社引述消息报道,正在访华的微软创办人比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)将于16 日获中国国家主席习近平会面。报道又指,会面或以“一对一”方式进行,而这将是习近平近年来首次会晤外国私营企业家。


据报,习近平和盖茨上一次会面是在 2015 年,当时他们共同席海南省博鳌论坛。 2020 年初,习近平致信盖茨,感谢他和旗下基金会承诺向中国提供援助,其中包括为中国抗击新冠疫情提供 500 万美元。


自今年初中国从疫情中逐步“复常”以来,已有多名美国企业巨头分别到访中国,包括美国电动车生产商特斯拉(Tesla)行政总裁马斯克(Elon Musk)、摩根大通行政总裁戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)、星巴克行政总裁纳拉辛汉(Laxman Narasimhan)等,不过他们均未有与习近平会面。

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The world was making huge progress in reducing child deaths and poverty, but global crises set us back. African countries are particularly vulnerable, with high food prices, crushing debt, and increasing rates of TB and malaria. That’s why I’m heading to West Africa next.
Solving problems like climate change, health inequity and food insecurity requires innovation. From developing malaria drugs to investing in climate adaptation, China has a lot of experience in that. We need to unlock that kind of progress for more people around the world.
原文網址: Bill Gates訪華抵北京 路透社:周五晤習近平 | 香港01