纪念我的朋友霞 (Sweet Caroline)
文章来源: 葱妹2017-05-24 14:44:48



Sweet Caroline (by Neil Diamond )


Where it began, I can't begin to knowing 冥冥盼问
But then I know it's growing strong 春来何处
Was in the spring 日长日涨难相忘
Then spring became the summer 夏至春归
Who'd have believed you'd come along 随影随形若无常

Hands, touching hands 相看执手
Reaching out, touching me, touching you 咫尺天涯,四海为邻乡。

Sweet Caroline 佳人知音
Good times never seemed so good 良辰难忘
I'd be inclined 再不必尽诉苍茫
To believe they never would 
But now I

Look at the night and it don't seem so lonely 长夜孤灯
We filled it up with only two 共话西窗
And when I hurt 心中纵有凄凉
Hurting runs off my shoulders 也遗忘
How can I hurt when I'm holding you

One, touching one 咫尺天涯,共执手
Reaching out, touching me, touching you 四海为邻乡

Sweet Caroline 佳人知音
Good times never seemed so good良辰难忘
I'd be inclined 诉不尽万般苍茫
To believe they never would
Oh no, no

Sweet Caroline 佳人
Good times never seemed so good良辰难忘
Sweet Caroline 知音
I believe they never could 再不必诉苍茫

谁说落花流水两无情,感谢Cxyz网友开辟诗社 (http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/68411/201705/30913.html),鼓励大家(包括我)翻译欣赏这首歌,共寄哀思。