文章来源: 天子2005-11-17 14:19:16
(I read these simple words, the magic of native American words, saturated with the feeling embedded in depth but emerge unto the surface of simplicity,like the cap of an iceberger in the sea. Yes, simple words. But they touch me so much that I fell compelled to make an understanding of them. And the result is this rendering into Chinese. ) SOLITARY ON A COLD NIGHT I FORGET THE STORY OF MY BIRTH I FORGET THE LONG FINGERS OF SLEEP THE MAGIC OF NAMES TO GO ALONE I BEGIN MY ASKING THE WINDS FORGIVENESS 孤独 在一个寒冷的夜 忘了我出生的事 忘了沉梦细长的手指 那些姓名的魔力 孤独的远去 去祈求风的 宽恕