【美坛综艺秀假日篇】A Home of Sweetness
文章来源: 幸福生2023-12-04 04:42:03

A Home of Sweetness
Lyrics  by: 幸福生
Composed / sung by: suno chirp v1 AI

The branches sway in the chilly breeze 
Birds return to their nests with ease 
Chirping away, a never-ending song 
Happiness lies in a simple, warm bond

It's not about soaring and mighty powers 
Nor about encountering mystical wonders 
It's just boundless warmth and love 
Having a home is a blessing from above

A home where pots and pans can talk sweet 
A home where rice and fire can blossom neat 
A home where warmth always sprouts 
A home where dreams are never in doubt

A home where ice and snow can melt 
A home where busyness is a term of endearment felt 
A home where every moment is beautiful 
A home where dreams are always colorful

Perhaps the winds are strong, the rains heavy 
Perhaps you're tired, perhaps you're weary 
Perhaps you wander far and wide 
But there's a home in your heart, a place to confide

Sweet, sour, bitter, and spicy on your plate
Leaves a taste of disappointment, a bitter fate 
Life is full of trivialities, it's true 
But a home is always a place to renew

A home where pots and pans can talk sweet 
A home where rice and fire can blossom neat 
A home where warmth always sprouts 
A home where dreams are never in doubt

A home where ice and snow can melt 
A home where busyness is a term of endearment felt 
A home where every moment is beautiful 
A home where dreams are always colorful

树枝摇摇 晚风唦唦唦
小鸟回巢 曼舞蹦擦擦
叽叽喳喳 说不完的话
幸福有个 简单温暖的解答
有个家 锅碗能说话
有个家 柴米会开花
有个家 温存总发芽
有个家 梦里有牵挂
有个家 冰雪能融化
有个家 处处好年华
有个家 忙碌是情话
有个家 梦里是彩霞