文章来源: 魏薇2021-11-07 09:56:23


Fall is here, in the garden, the blooms of endless summer hydrangea is changing their color from pink to carmine.  


by adjusting the soil PH you can yield either vivid blue, pale lavender, soft mauve, or deep pink mophead blooms. As a cold-hardy specimen, Endless Summer Hydrangeas can even tolerate frost—making them ideal for gardens beyond the South. Long blooming period from summer to fall. Their stunning blooms are showy mopheads. You can choose from a range of colors, depending on the alkalinity or acidity of the soil. Shades range from deep blue to light lavender to soft mauve to vivid pink. The more acid the soil, the bluer, and the more alkaline the soil, the pinker the flowers are. Massive mophead flowers that can be either blue, pink, or in between)




