文章来源: 魏薇2021-11-13 07:27:34

前两天veterans day所见的私家园林





早晨出门送孩子上学,在XXX 草坡下,那两棵守望在路口的糖枫叶子变色了,被阳光映照着,它们呈现出一种鎏金色, 溢彩流光。两群大雁排成人字形,嘎嘎嘎地叫着,从头顶的天空飞过。上学的路上,也有几多风景。


今早的阳光带着橙,也带着藕和,烂漫又温馨,即使消极的人也会被这样的阳光所感染,而心生出希望来。晚学校通报了一个月来的疫情。开学以来,全区小学,中学和高中各发现一例COVID19感染者,其中两名老师,一名学生,而该学生是DISTANCE learning, 病毒的来源并非来自学校。这期间,有1/3 的学生上网课,2/3的选择现场上课,有1/2选择坐校车。全镇共有28人感染,每万人的感染比例为5.7人,根据镇公众健康部门的防疫指导—每万人的感染率处于10人以下,传播风险等级为低。



I drive my son to school. At the bottom corner of xxx Hill, the leaves in the two sugar maples have changed color. Against the rising sunlight, the metallic gold from the crown is absolutely glorious. In the sky, two groups of geese are flying in V formation with rhythmic “quack , quack, quack…”.  Talking with my boy and appreciation of the morning scenes in nature make the daily ride to school an enjoyable journey.   A good day starts from a good morning.  

The color of today’s morning sunshine is a lovely mix of orange with slight lavender, warm and brilliant. I strongly believe this beautiful dawn sunlight can repel any bad moods inside of us, revive the dying fire of hope.  In yesterday’s letter from school superintendent XXX, XXX announced the COVID-19 brief of school district during the past month since the school reopening in Fall.……


After dropping my son at school, I drive along the gently sloping road to leave. I start visualizing the HS’s location. The school is located on a gentle slopped hill, a stream at the bottom of the hill which I found this summer flows by to far like a jade blet. In the past two weeks, a few continuous fall rains have remoisturized the dry-up streambed and the surroundings. The greenness from the lush and verdant aquatic plants in the streambed and along the side stretch out to adjoin the two school sports turfs.  My eyes and my heart are Immersed in the greenness, I forget it is fall.