文章来源: 莲盆籽2018-10-22 19:17:04

2016年总统选举时,德州参议员泰德克鲁斯Ted Cruz参选,和川普争取共和党提名,被老川骂个狗血喷头。川普不仅送他个绰号是lyin' Ted,撒谎的泰德,还嘲笑泰德的老婆长相。

Ted Cruz, he's seriously, he's got a mental problem. Ted Cruz is a liar…I've never seen anybody [lie] to that extent.

— Feb. 16, 2016, Interview on Fox Business

Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!

— March 22, 2016, Twitter

来而不往非礼也,泰德回敬川普,有撒谎病的pathological liar,胆小鬼sniveling coward,恶推特nasty tweets,等等,甚至在倒车镜里看见川普时不能确定踩刹车还是油门。

If I were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw Donald in the backup camera, I'm not confident which pedal I'd push.

— March 31, 2016, Interview with Jimmy Kimmel Live!

This man is a pathological liar. He doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth…The man is utterly amoral.

— May 3, 2016, to reporters in Indiana

Donald, real men don’t attack women.

— March 24, 2016, Twitter

It is not acceptable for a big, loud New York bully to attack my wife…Donald, you’re a sniveling coward. Leave Heidi the hell alone.

— March 24, 2016, Dane, Wis.


动身去德州为泰德助选前,川普又来个一百八十度的华丽转身,说泰德不撒谎了,现在是美丽的泰德,beautiful Ted。
