惊天爆料:Open AI 创始人奥特曼被开除“幕后真相”
文章来源: 爪四哥2023-11-20 12:15:58

据说,这是 Open AI 内部人士爆的猛料:

Open AI 被董事会罢免的CEO ,同性恋者奥特曼,是犹太人中的左翼精英。他旗帜鲜明地支持 LGBTQ,支持 progressive,支持民主党的 gang of four。


奥特曼做为左翼犹太精英,他的 open AI,被业界人士称为马克思主义的借尸还魂。


不出意外,同样支持 LGBTQ,支持 progressive,支持民主党四人帮,支持巴勒斯的微软前总裁 bill gates,立马把奥特曼拉入自己麾下。


Elon is obviously attacking us,' Sam Altman responds to Elon Musk's  criticism - BusinessToday






An overwhelming majority of OpenAI's 700-plus employees have signed an open letter urging OpenAI's board to resign after the ouster of ex-CEO Sam Altman.

Why it matters: The employees threatened to move to the new Microsoft research unit that Altman will build: "We will take this step imminently, unless all current board members resign."

The latest: By midday Monday letter organizers said the number of employees who'd signed the letter had grown to more than 700, which would account for the vast majority of the company's workforce.

What they're saying: "We are unable to work for or with people that lack competence, judgement and care for our mission and employees," the letter states.