文章来源: 老猫Mikesmith2016-07-18 11:23:42

阿甘:“Throughout the movie everything Forrest is told to do, he obediently does and his life goes perfectly and with absolute success”。结论:做你父母,老师,政府,教会,军队,媒体,老板让你做的事,乖乖的听话,你就会有一个幸福,健康,富有,多产的人生;

贞妮:“The ultimate free spirit. Throughout her life we see her in the worst possible scenarios. Childhood sexual abuse. Stripper. Drug addict. Homeless. Suicidal. She has a child out of wedlock and dies of a "plague" created by "sexual deviancy." 结论:想做你自己,试图做一个有独立人格,独立思想的人,你就会受尽苦难,虐待,直至死亡。