二度昙花开 (w English)
文章来源: 暖冬cool夏2022-08-02 21:57:11
我这个自以为记性好的人却不记得家里的这棵昙花最初是哪个朋友送我的, 只隐约记得昙花养了五六年了。不过用这个"养"字不准确,因为开始一两年我不管不顾地把它丢在一旁,连水都很少浇。直到前几年看朋友圈里有朋友晒昙花,心里开始嘀咕,自家的昙花为什么一直没有动静。想来自己一定像个偏心的母亲,眼里只有火龙果,没有昙花,好吃好喝的都给了火龙果植物,却常常无视昙花的存在。这样的偏心眼甚至蔓延到花朵上,觉得昙花和火龙果的花虽然有几分相似,洁白的花瓣层层叠叠如羽毛球瓣状,但是昙花不如火龙果花来的大气,火龙果开花时花瓣中间的雌花被一圈密密麻麻的雄花众星捧月般地簇拥着,而昙花的雌性花蕊仅被一小撮雄花点缀着,显得如此单薄孤单。。。
也不记得从什么时候开始,对昙花有了恻隐之心。给火龙果施肥时也不忘给昙花添一勺。那几勺沤肥终于迎来了2020年九月底它的第一次绽放--三朵昙花的一现。不过2021年它有没有开,开了几朵,微信博客上都没有记录,自己也没有了记忆,如此可见它在我心中的地位 (最后还在手机里找到两张照片,8/22/2021晚也开了三朵)。
进入2022年。昙花开始疯长新叶新枝,盆里的昙花越来越头重脚轻,我顺势把它扶靠到一边的花架上,而它也渐渐把根须伸出盆外,牢牢地扎进了土里,故此也越长越茂盛。一日在Oncemm那里读到一篇关于昙花前世今生的传说 (昙花又叫韦陀花),一下子被感动到了,世间还有这么长情痴情的花仙子啊。而我却有眼无珠,这样一位花神默默无闻在我家后院,不旦没有被供起来,还被我冷落数年:)) 从此我痛改前非,再也不敢怠慢,每次施肥都给她添得足足的,同时不忘给它修剪,打掉的枝条又另外插迁,种不下了还送给朋友同事。。。
于是,在我目光中长大的昙花开始回报我。往年八九月才开花的,今年七朵昙花神奇地开在六月,开在一个我希望它花开的日子。更神奇的是,那枝剪下来送给同事的昙花几个月后居然也长出花苞(通常需要两三年才会长花苞的),而且花儿还开在同一天的夜里--这难道是打断了骨头还连着筋,这难道是一脉相承,心心相惜吗? 这难道是它们的花茎里埋着一个同步计时器? 还是冥冥之中就相守着定下的花期,不管是否分离?
昙花是有灵性的,也是懂得知恩图报。距离第一次开花一个多月后,花仙子再次倾情奉献,21朵昙花东一朵西一朵地挂满枝叉。在八月的第一个夜晚,12朵洁白淡雅的昙花穿过沉寂的黑夜,一起绽放, 黑夜因它有了色泽,有了芬芳。
今早(8/2)摘下了这十二朵凋谢的昙花,花谢的样子一如含苞待放时,鼓囊囊的白色花苞被一根根暗红色的丝带包裹着,优雅端庄。昙花不愧是夜之皇后,花开是美,花谢依然是美,一种宁静的美 (a sense of serenity)。人生如能"生如夏花之绚烂,死如昙花凋谢时之静美",亦是脱俗美好。
看图,借用Oncemm取的创意名字: 金陵十三钗 (其中一釵是7/31晚开的)
8/3早上摘的最后八朵 Though its flower season may have come to an end, the beauty is there to behold.
盛开时的样子。 网友沈香说的是,昙花美在它的晶莹剔透, 这样如丝绸般光滑的叶瓣又是火龙果花瓣所没有的。 When more than a dozen layered creamy petals fully spread out,its beauty is breathtaking,  which then is commensurated with a pungent fragrance wafting in the night air.  Dotted in the middle tube-like opening are a few yellow-tipped pollens, adding a sense of tenderness. 
侧面,花蕊看得更清楚些:  Sensor-like sigma. 
七月的最后一天,中午竟然下起了毛毛雨。雨点滴落在枝条上,very refreshing。The day before Lady Cereus blooms, their hanging buds all reared the heads like a U-shaped hook.
这是夭折的花苞,颜色特别红 An utra-red color bud however withered and dropped to the ground.
下图中靠右特别红的花蕾后来坠落了,让人想起回光返照。As 20-ish buds compete for nutrition, two failingly dropped dead.

The Queen of the Night flower is never a queen in my eyes.  Some people confuse it with dragon fruit flower, as both blooming at night and having similar white arrow-shaped petals.  To me, Queen of the Night, though its name connotes some highness, cannot rival a dragon fruit flower, whose flower predates a fruit.  Queen of the Night may be showy for a few fleeting hours, but it withers without leaving any offspring.  :)) 

Under this illusion, scant attention was paid to the night-blooming Cereus. Until one day I read a fairy tale about the origin of Lady Cereus-- a flower goddess awaiting her lover, a monk, to descend from the temple in the mountain and see her. The myth goes that for decades, the goddess collects all herself to flower in late spring, as she knows that is the time the monk will likely come by for morning dew. But the monk, who is made to forget her, is only mesmerized by Buddhist scriptures, not her beauty. However otherworldly ethereal Lady Cereus may appear, the monk never turns his eyes upon her.

The ending is a happy one, like most Chinese myths. To me, it is an awakening call of my ignorance. As my attitude changes and more attentions directed towards her, there come along her luminous bursts that outperform any year in the past.