全民K歌 《船歌》(w/English Journal)
文章来源: 暖冬cool夏2021-09-12 18:19:15

很多年前看过一部电影,电影的内容记不清了,可依稀记得一个画面:  当小船远去, 静静的河面上突然从远而近传来了歌声, 渐渐在整个河面上荡漾开来。 那一刻, 那景那歌走了心, 刻在了脑海里。后来知道那首电影插曲是罗大佑的歌,再后来又听秋水唱,好听极了。今日也来试试,这是我第一次唱罗大佑的歌。


现代版的船, 和头上不戴花的"妹妹":)) 昨日摄于一个海湾。来稿





9/9/2021: Submerging myself in the bath tub around 10 pm, I was watching a show over the cell phone, when I heard a rumbling sound, a sound in my distant memory that resembles thunder.  I turned down the cell phone, and asked him in the next room if he heard something, and if that was a thunder, a very rare weather phenomenon we ever experienced here. My suspicion was soon confirmed as another deafening thunder banged afar. I was scared and hurried out of the tub, putting on clothes as if cladding myself with protections.  Quick rain soon followed, but it only lasted for a few minutes. But the lightning lingered in the sky, flashing amid the dark night clouds.

9/10/2021: However, the rain did not relieve us as expected and the monsoonal weather continued.  Friday night, I dozed off in front of a TV, and when I woke up, I heard muffled music floating in through the open window. Was there a concert or a party somewhere? Alone in a T-shirt and a short skirt, I walked out the door.  It was almost 10 pm. The day heat abated to the cool night air, and it was moonless.  The neighborhood was quiet, except for the buzzing sounds the lawn sprinklers in the common areas were making as they oscillated and gushed water to thirsty lawns and bushes.  I walked to the direction of music, stepping down occasionally to the driveway to evade the possible spider web under the low-hanging trees. As I turned around the corner, a row of myrtle trees in the central divider greeted me with their blooming bright purple flowers. Though no other people were seen outside at the hour, cars were still on road, whisking by to and fro.  The street lights lined up uniformly on every porch or post shone the dim lights.  Walking in a safe and familiar community somehow no longer made me feel safe,  however inviting a serene night like this was.  I turned back home after a few blocks’ walk.

9/11/2021: I woke up before 7 am in the morning, as I remember to call my brother in China. He was relentlessly on the business trip, weekdays or weekends.  I rarely contact him nowadays, but tasked with some inquiries that dad entrusted me with, I had to make the call for some information, so that answers could be given to ease Dad afterwards.

After a late breakfast, I suggested going out for some fresh air, as we holed up at home for so long. We drove to a bay not too far.  The sea breeze was soothing, so was the sight of people kayaking on the narrow bay. But as we hiked along an inland trail, bare and blisteringly dry, our enthusiasm soon fizzled.  Later we found that it was 93F outside, and obviously we chose a wrong day to go out.


姐儿头上戴着杜鹃花呀 迎着风儿随浪逐彩霞
船儿摇过春水不说话呀 水乡温柔何处是我家
船儿摇过春水不说话呀 随着歌儿划向梦里的他
嘴儿轻轻唱着不说话呀 水乡温柔象那梦里的画
嘴儿轻轻唱呀唱不休呀 年华飘过歌声似水流
船儿摇过春水不停留呀 摇到风儿吹破天凉的秋
船儿摇过春水不停留呀 鱼儿双双结伴水底游
谁的船歌唱得声悠悠  水乡温柔来到天凉的秋
谁的船歌唱得声悠悠  谁家姑娘水乡泛扁舟
谁的梦中他呀不说话呀 谁的他呀何处是我的家