All that is requisite to become proficient
文章来源: dongpo12018-06-09 07:06:44

inany art,is to know what to do and how to do it.

Give me the situation I know,or I will not do it. So patience is very important. It seems I have to work on exit.  If timing is o.k.,than working on size or time-the holding time. 

Still,strategy may need change a little bit. But no perfect  method anyway.

只做自己知道的获胜概率高的交易。耐心等待机会的到来。增加利润的方式要么增加量,要么在正确的时侯增加持股时间 或在正确时加量(向上加)。这需要看者利润消失一部分,或者设定卖出价后,不看。看的目的是在不设止损价时,能在自己确认是错误的交易时,卖出持股。当然,也包括在看到转向信号时,卖出获利股。