速描《金瓶梅》第 91 回/100
文章来源: 宝尔2017-01-15 08:21:40

西门庆宅府荡空空, 正妻月娘放声哭

元配陈氏,早夭亡, 女儿嫁给陈经济

正妻月娘,守空房, 丧夫生子同一天

二妻娇儿,做盗贼, 二房嫁给张二官

三妻玉楼,有艳福, 正室嫁给官二代

四妻雪娥,拐财逃, 沦为春梅厨女奴



注: 《金瓶梅》里人的年龄有些跳跃。西门庆大概十三,十四岁与原配陈氏结婚,生女儿西门大姐,她十二、三岁嫁给陈经济。


Now Ximen’s house is empty:


The original wife died long time ago, had a daughter who married to Chen

1st wife stays in house with her son, who was born same day when Ximen died

2nd wife, caught stealing, then being kicked out, married as 2nd wife to Zhang

3rd wife, married with Officier Li, as the 1st wife

4th wife, caught stealing, ends up as cook for Mei

5th wife Jin, killed by her brother-in-law

6th wife Ping, the luckiest  wife, died first right after her baby in Jin’s jealousy.