文章来源: 宝尔2016-12-10 14:57:31

中央蔡高管生日, 西门庆从山东押担20, 亲自出马,专程送礼, 半月旅途, 夜无妻妾。 途中遇到万官万贯的文武官员进京庆贺,寿旦不计其数。 通过后门,加三儿, 西门庆得以抢先拜献蔡高官。

To celebrate the birthday of high ranking official Cai, in the capital, Ximen goes in person and taks with him 20 loads of presents. It takes two weeks to get there and no wives around.  Ximen sees many officials on the road for the event. Ximen gets to see Cai, ahead of others due to his connections and presents.