速描《金瓶梅》第7 回 / 100
文章来源: 宝尔2016-10-23 05:55:31

30岁寡妇玉楼有钱有貌,大西门庆2岁, 媒婆搭桥,双双愿娶愿嫁。 玉楼表舅恨西门庆妻妾满堂,眠花卧柳,负债拖欠,里虚外实。 玉楼坦然处之。数日, 玉楼嫁西门庆,自带陪床,箱笼,童男童女,妻室排三。


Meng is a rich widow,  2-years-older than Ximen at 30,  by matchmaking to Ximen, both want to get married. Meng’s uncle hates that, Ximen has wives, sleeps around, lives large in debts. Meng doesn’t mind at all. Days later, she is married with Ximen, bringing along her own bed, wardrobe, house-girl-and-boy.  In Ximen’s house, she is ranked as the 3rd wife.

At the same time, Jin has been waiting for Ximen days and nights for weeks.