速描《金瓶梅》第2回 / 100
文章来源: 宝尔2016-10-18 07:36:22

武松出差,行前劝哥迟出早归,告诫嫂早关窗门,祸起萧墙,篱牢犬不入。 一天金莲下簾, 杆打在窗下路过的西门庆。 西门开药铺,贿官发迹,浮浪悠闲,眠花卧柳,见金莲妖娆, 拖她邻居王婆牵线。王婆手续费是棺材费。

The younger Wu will be on assignment, before departure, he warns his brother to leave late and back early each day, and he also warns his sister-in-law to behave.  One day Jin closes window, hitting Mr. Ximen Qing who passes under, Ximen, a drug store owner, making fast money by bribery, is a womanizer, when he sees the beautiful Jin, he asks Mrs. Wang,  Jin’s next door,  for match-making. Wang demands a service fee that she can use to buy her own coffin.