富豪在投资中是否会经常采取冒险的方式 二
文章来源: 股市小书生2017-11-24 16:18:53



顺着 “ Rich Dad Poor Dad ” 这本书推荐的相关书,我又读了另一本对我影响很大的书:“ Creating Wealth ” by Robert G. Allen (“Nothing Down” 的作者 ) 。 房地产是一个古老的行业。但也是一个永远都有人赚钱的行业。让我们看看 Robert G. Allen 这位房地产大师又是怎么说的: Wealth Principle 6: Choose Investments That Are Both Powerful and Stable………By power, I mean the ability of an investment to grow at high wealth-producing rates. What make an investment powerful? The reasonable use of leverage, or debt. ................. What make real estate so stable? It is the law of supply and demand . Real estate, especially residential property, is a commodity in critical shortage and one for which there is an enormous demand. It is a necessity, not a luxury. People can’t print up a hundred thousand homes as they might print up s stock offering. ( P.32 )




所谓普通工薪阶层,一般在日常生活中,在正常的各类家庭开支之后,往往所剩无几,将剩余的少量金钱投资股市(我这里仅谈论股市投资类型),即使能够得到一个长期好于股指均值的投资回报,想积累一个有一定规模的财富(比如投资组合收益大于工资收入),可能需要二十年以上的时间, 因为生命有限,所以这不是一个理想的人生选择。




You can never become wealthy without going into some form of investment debt. And probably a lot of it.

 我谈论的是 Investment Debt,所以如果你还分不清楚投资与投机之间区别,你也没有任何可能性理解 Investment Debt.