In Warren Buffett's experience, "turnarounds seldom turn."
文章来源: 股市小书生2017-11-22 12:28:54
"Both our operating and investment experience cause us to conclude that turnarounds seldom turn," Buffett wrote in 1979, "and that the same energies and talent are much better employed in a good business purchased at a fair price than in a poor business purchased at a bargain price." - Warren Buffett


当这些网友买入这些股票的时候,他们是否已经知道了这些公司已经奄奄一息,如果没有强大的外力援助,依靠自己是无法继续生存或者改变的  。 毫无疑问他们是知道的,但是由于某些原因,他们认为这些股票很便宜,他们希望有奇迹发生。更重要的是他们期望超额回报。

如果不是被想象中的超额回报所诱惑,他们不会买入这些股票 。 基本上这里的每一位投资者都是期待奇迹发生 ,然后得到超额回报。

Warren Buffett 1998 Talk at University of Florida

“I don’t want to buy into any business that I’m not terribly sure of. So if I’m terribly sure of it, it probably isn’t going to offer incredible returns. Why should something that is essentially a cinch to do well offer you 40% a year or something like that? So we don’t have huge returns in mind. But we do have in mind never losing anything.”



在我写的我和朽哥聊几句的帖子中,我的观点是将一部分的房产中Equity以低成本的模式转变为股票类型资产。从资本角度,转变资产类型,对一个家庭的整体资产负债表Balance, 既不增加,也不减少,这里改变的仅仅是资产的类型,风险以及投资回报性价比。

