文章来源: CNNed2015-09-18 15:54:10






最后,作者要说,打铁还的自生硬。从美联储的历史看,技术上,一旦升息开始,美联储常常是一连几个季度连续的升息。人民币这次逃过一劫,下一次很可能会是持续不断的压力。如果中国央行在一方面在国际上力推人民币国际化,在国内引导人民币进入正确的方向(包括人民币回笼,贬值,鼓励长线投资,和进入非流通领域),从而达到提前减压人民币的目的。当美元的升息不是“载舟”而是会“覆舟”之时,美联储又会三思而后行。希望美联储还会用“These developments may also restrain U.S. activities somewhat”来结束其声明。



From Federal Reserve Statement on Sept. 17th 2015: Household spending and business fixed investment have been increasing moderately, and the housing sector has improved further; however, net exports have been soft. The labor market continued to improve, with solid job gains and declining unemployment. On balance, labor market indicators show that underutilization of labor resources has diminished since early this year. Inflation has continued to run below the Committee's longer-run objective, partly reflecting declines in energy prices and in prices of non-energy imports. Market-based measures of inflation compensation moved lower; survey-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.


From Transcript of Janet Yellon’s News Conference on Sept. 17th, 2015: Where we still expect that the downward pressure on inflation from these factors will fade over time, recent global economic and financial developments are likely to put further downward pressure on inflation in the near term. These developments may also restrain U.S. activities somewhat. But have not led at this point to a significant change in the committee's outlook for the U.S. economy.