里尔克诗译:月光之夜 - The Moonlight Night
文章来源: cxyz2021-08-09 03:21:02


里尔克 (奥地利)(英译莱蒙特)

中译 cxyz


南德的夜晚! 月色弥漫


时光从古老的塔楼 沉甸甸坠落

跌入黑暗之中 宛若石沉大海

林中传来沙沙声 和护林人的警示

然后 空旷的寂静把空气填满

再然后 小提琴声响了起来 (天知道是从哪里来的)

舒缓地吟唱:哦 我的爱人…哦 我的爱人…




South-German night! the ripe moon hangs above

Weaving enchantment o'er the shadowy lea.

From the old tower the hours fall heavily

Into the dark as though into the sea—

A rustle, a call of night-watch in the grove,

Then for a while void silence fills the air;

And then a violin (from God knows where)

Awakes and slowly sings: Oh Love . . . Oh Love . . .

Poems  (1918)  by Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Jessie Lemont