里尔克诗译: 盲女 - Going Blind
文章来源: cxyz2021-07-31 09:29:43


她坐在桌边 像其他人一样

但是再次看过去的时候 她拿杯子的姿态

有了不同 好像不再是刚刚拿起来的样子

她微笑了一下, 那几乎是痛苦的


当他们吃完饭 是时间离开的时候


穿过很多的房间 (一路上谈笑风生)

我看到了她。 她远远地落在众人之后

全神贯注,就像一个 马上就要登上舞台为大家献唱的人




她慢慢地跟随着 花了很长的时间



她便超越了所有的行走 像是要飞起来一样


Going Blind

She sat just like the others at the table. 

But on second glance, she seemed to hold her cup 

a little differently as she picked it up. 

She smiled once. It was almost painful. 


And when they finished and it was time to stand 

and slowly, as chance selected them, they left 

and moved through many rooms (they talked and laughed), 

I saw her. She was moving far behind 

the others, absorbed, like someone who will soon 

have to sing before a large assembly; 

upon her eyes, which were radiant with joy, 

light played as on the surface of a pool. 


She followed slowly, taking a long time, 

as though there were some obstacle in the way; 

and yet: as though, once it was overcome, 

she would be beyond all walking, and would fly.


(Penguin Modern European Poets: Rilke – Selected Poems, Trans. J.B. Leishman)