文章来源: 中年呓语2022-11-30 15:54:57


The secret history of the Berlin Wall | HistoryExtra






The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall

John F. Kennedy, 1963

"Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in, to prevent them from leaving us.  

I want to say, on behalf of my countrymen, who live many miles away on the other side of the Atlantic, who are far distant from you, that they take the greatest pride that they have been able to share with you, even from a distance, the story of the last 18 years. I know of no town, no city, that has been besieged for 18 years that still lives with the vitality and the force, and the hope and the determination of the city of West Berlin. While the wall is the most obvious and vivid demonstration of the failures of the Communist system, for all the world to see, we take no satisfaction in it, for it is, as your Mayor has said, an offense not only against history but an offense against humanity, separating families, dividing husbands and wives and brothers and sisters, and dividing a people who wish to be joined together."


我想代表我的同胞说,他们生活在大西洋彼岸的许多英里之外,离你们很远,他们为能够与你们分享而感到最大的自豪,即使来自距离,过去18年的故事。我知道没有哪个城镇、城市在被围困 18 年之后仍然充满活力和力量,以及西柏林这座城市的希望和决心。虽然这堵墙是共产主义制度失败的最明显和生动的展示,但全世界都可以看到,我们对此并不满意,因为正如你们的市长所说,它不仅是对历史的冒犯,而且是对对人类的冒犯,分离家庭,分裂丈夫和妻子,分裂兄弟姐妹,分裂希望团结在一起的民族。”