文章来源: 琬玥2015-04-01 20:04:15
春暖花要开,放飞心情啦, open one year membership card at NYSC. Who knows where i am several months later? Just enjoy every moment. Tell Melissa, give me an hour break and page me if anything urgent. Rush two blocks down to the gym, the Yoga session already starts. Grab the yoga pad and quietly sneak in. one hour yoga, sweat a lot. 平时跑步游泳,难得出汗。 很高兴,今天 一身大汗,畅快淋漓, 冲走一个冬天的阴郁。Need to join some dancing session next time. 今后的风风雨雨要一个人面对。一家人全靠我啦。没有好身体,好心情,可不行哟。
