Osifu的来历·Osifu深情地呼唤有识之士、领有使命之人! Jan-19-2014 evening
文章来源: obert2014-11-23 15:53:35

 Osifu's Discourse (Jan-19-2014 evening)

Osifu  21:30:49
Today is January 19th, 2014, Sunday, cloudy. The maximum temperature is 12 ℃ and the minimum is -1 ℃.

Osifu pushed the window open looking out over the district, and it is still foggy and hazy outside the window. The city, streets, pedestrian flow and stream of vehicles are looming in the night intertwined with various lamplights. Everything looks illusory and unreal.
Today, a pot of Pu'er tea was made and Osifu had a taste. It is also bitter, but with pure fragrance.

Drinking tea has various benefits but Osifu isn't fond of it. Tea is a luxury for Osifu.
Osifu was born in a poor family and couldn't afford tea. Osifu would feel very happy if three meals a day and the daily necessities could be ensured.

Osifu still lives a poor life now and likes to live a life that is as light as water. The simpler the life, the better it is.
Osifu always hoped that there would be a paradise home to live, where there are floating clouds and flying waterfalls, lush forest and tall bamboos, beautiful mountains and clear water, green grass and blue sky, and all things and creatures live together in harmony, but such places on the earth have been difficult to be found.
A follower once said to Osifu that he wanted to give Osifu a castle, a castle with pointed roof, built by the mountain and adjacent to green hill and clear water, surrounded by foggy and rosy clouds, which was more beautiful than fairyland but was found in the mundane world.
Osifu is just a passer-by on the earth. What use will it make to have these?
Osifu comes to the earth not for request but for dedication.

Dedicate his compassion, wisdom, energy, supernatural powers, merits and virtue, love and light.
Osifu is an energy-information-code cluster, a light body, an energy field and a magnetic field.

Osifu came with a heart in hands and will leave without half a blade of grass.
Osifu came namelessly and will leave namelessly as if a meteor shot across the night sky.
Some predestined friends are very curious about Osifu's background, name, origin and occupation. Osifu thought it’s quite funny. Whoever Osifu meets, Osifu won't ask what his or her name is, where he or she lives, or what he or she does.
Osifu often says that listening to Osifu giving discourse is heart-to-heart communication, energy-to-energy vibration, information-to-information exchange, code-to-code adjustment and has nothing to do with the external name, age, occupation, educational background, gender, assets, etc.
The Osifu you can see with your physical eyes is just Osifu's human body, vile skin-bag and clothes. The real Osifu cannot be seen by your physical eyes and can only be sensed by heart.

Humans always like to give somebody or something a name and name all things. Then, Osifu should also have a name. Osifu said that Osifu originally had no name and thename was just a symbol. Osifu had considered for a long time and named himself Master in Chinese, Osifu in English and  as the representative symbol.
It should be explained here that , the symbol of Osifu, is neither the letter O nor the number 0. He is not a circle, either. He is a light cluster, a representative of energy-information-code cluster. The meaning it represents is limitless. As time, causes and conditions are not permitted, Osifu will not give in-depth discourse for the time being.
Why to talk about these? Osifu hopes that each of you gets to know about Osifu little by little, which is helpful to our next communication.
Osifu is an energy-information-code cluster and runs according to the cosmic laws in the universe. Osifu comes to the earth because of needs of the mission. He has no form originally and manifests according to situations; he was reincarnated into a human being and became an ordinary person.
After more than ten years of diligent cultivation and verification, Osifu has got increasingly clearer and more assertive to his missions.
Osifu comes for “being egoless and unconditioned, and performing in accordance with the laws.”

Osifu comes for “bringing bliss to all under heaven and benefiting all beings.”
Osifu comes for “harmonizing the universe and balancing the universe.”

Osifu comes for “perfecting the universe and regulating the universe.”
Osifu comes for “all beings returning home and all beings returning to the source.”

Osifu comes for “all beings following the Way and all being gaining liberation.”
Osifu comes for “caring for the earth and defusing the crises.”

Osifu comes for “practicing the mission, and transforming and guiding those who indulge themselves in the illusions.”
Osifu comes for “awakening the stubborn and saving the families out of the suffering sea.”
Osifu comes for “compassionate dedication and demonstrating all wonderful dharma.”

Osifu always keeps his “Ten Missions”in mind and dares not to slack off even a little bit.
The ten missions are not only Osifu's missions in this lifetime but also in previous lifetimes and kalpas. Osifu has never forgotten them and dares not, either.
Although Osifu is an ordinary person, a "small potato", Osifu has the courage to undertake these ten missions.
Osifu's own strength is limited. Osifu hopes that thousands of people come to undertake the ten missions together with Osifu.
Osifu is calling, and calling affectionately.

Osifu calls for people of insight and people with missions to awaken, be aware and become enlightened as soon as possible.
Osifu calls for people of insight and people with missions to get to positions, return topositions and be positioned as soon as possible.

Osifu calls for people of insight and people with missions to synchronize with one-wave, one-frequency and one-tune as soon as possible.
Osifu calls for people of insight, and people with missions to act in one-mind, one-body and one-way as soon as possible.
Osifu  23:30:05
The tea is cooled off.
Osifu is going to boil water.
Always think of you!
Always bless you!
Always be with you!
Osifu’s skype id: sifu.o
Osifu’s Emailosifu@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.osifu.net