文章来源: 笨狼2019-11-18 21:26:34

香港大学科学院院长Matthew Evans推言,无疑指出、指责极端派是要玉石俱焚:
This week has been long and hard @HKUniversity I have personally been on campus every day sometimes starting early and ending late. My personal motivation has been to try and de escalate the situation and preserve the university. What have I learnt?
The first thing I have learnt is that I have some amazing colleagues. Most of my fellow deans have been out among students and working with them and the police to prevent clashes. They have been amazing.
I have talked to so many students and the vast majority have been sensible, articulate and willing to listen and compromise. This includes those in black and those who are not.
But the moderates cannot control the radicals. Unfortunately there are some who just want to escalate and do not care what happens to themselves, other students and staff or the university.
As so often those who are prepared to force their desired outcome at whatever cost will win, and they have often done this.
A university is not owned by any single group, students, academic and non academic staff and alumni all have a call to be part of the university. The rights of one of these groups does not exceed the rights of another.