were willing to be
文章来源: manzi982015-10-04 01:48:29

Got a question on rule clarification, comments on rule enforcements or some memorable NHL stories? Kerry wants to answer your emails at cmonref@tsn.Kendall Reyes Youth Jersey .ca. Hi Kerry, Thursday nights Bruins-Blackhawks game had a goal by Patrice Bergeron initially waved off by the referee, but video review clarified it was a good goal. The situation had Blackhawks goalie Corey Crawford scramble behind the net, lose the puck to Brad Marchand, who quickly threw it out to Bergeron who one-timed a shot at the net, and in. During this time, Crawford pushed the back of the net up as the puck crossed the goal line, between the posts. I understand the ruling was that it is a goal as the net didnt come off its post moorings. The question I have, is what if Crawford completely knocked the net off, on his own, as the puck went through? According to the video ruling, they indicated "because the posts remained in place, it was a goal." If the posts didnt remain in place, and the puck went in, wasnt there a rule in place that allows the goal, if the defending team knocks the net off on their own? I know this is also a delay of game penalty but, in a shooting situation, would this have counted, if Crawford knocked the net off just before the puck went in? Thanks, Louie Melissis from Whitby Hi Louie, Once the referee on the goal line waved off an apparent goal scored on a Patrice Bergeron shot that entered the net from the front position and immediately exited under where Corey Crawford had tipped the goal frame forward, the other on-ice officials quickly gathered to share their perspective on the play. During this conference it was determined (and convinced the ref that initially waved it off) that a good goal had resulted and the initial call on the ice was reversed. Video review was then initiated and it was confirmed that the puck did cross the goal line and that the goal frame was considered in its proper position as spelled out in Rule 78.4. (The goal frame shall be considered in its proper position when at least a portion of the flexible peg(s) are still inside both the goal post and the hole in the ice.)  Under Rule 38.4 (Situations Subject to Video Review), the video goal judge (Situation Room) is allowed to rule that the puck crossed the goal line and did so prior to the goal frame being dislodged under subsections (i) and (ii). If however, Crawford had knocked the net completely off the moorings prior to the puck crossing the goal line, the video goal judge could only advise the referee that the net was off the mooring prior to the puck crossing the goal line. The resulting verdict through the review process could only be "no goal". Louie, situations subject to video review aside, the referee can award a goal under Rule 63.6 when he determines that the goal post is displaced, either deliberately or accidentally, by a defending player, prior to the puck crossing the goal line between the "normal" position of the goalposts. We saw Cam Atkinson of the Columbus Blue Jackets awarded a goal under this rule in their big win over the Detroit Red Wings on Tuesday night. For a goal to be awarded, the goal post must have been displaced by the actions of a defending player, the puck must have been shot (or the player must be in the act of shooting) at the goal prior to the goalpost being displaced, and it must be determined that the puck would have entered the net between the normal position of the goal posts. On this play, if Crawford had knocked the net completely off its moorings (accidentally or otherwise), it would have required a similar conference by the officials to award a goal since the ref closest to the net did not think that the puck had crossed the line between the goal posts! Video review would not be able to assist them in making this call since it is not reviewable and therefore must be determined by the referee(s) on the ice. I am quite sure the same verdict would have eventually been rendered on the ice and a goal would have been awarded to Bergeron. Boston is really bringing their "A" game at the absolute perfect time of the season. The Caps and Flyers draw the Bruins this weekend in afternoon games. Huge points for playoff standings are on the line this weekend with several meaningful 4-point games; Leafs, Flyers, Blue Jackets, Caps, Wings, Minnesota, Phoenix, Dallas, Vancouver just to name a few!   Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the exciting playoff race. Eric Weddle Chargers Jersey .1 million qualifying offers to second baseman Robinson Cano, outfielder Curtis Granderson and pitcher Hiroki Kuroda. Melvin Gordon Youth Jersey . LOUIS -- The Pittsburgh Pirates have placed outfielder Starling Marte on the bereavement list and slotted Francisco Lirianos return to the rotation for Sunday, the last game before the All-Star break.SEATTLE -- Steve Ballmers departure from the group looking to bring the NBA back to Seattle isnt derailing lead investor Chris Hansens hopes of getting a team back in the region. Hansen told The Associated Press on Monday that he is confident hell be able to find investors to take Ballmers place in his group that is trying to build a new arena and last year nearly bought and moved the Sacramento Kings to Seattle. Hansen is the majority investor in the project, but said it would likely take more than one person to replace Ballmers investment. Other than Hansen, the only other known partners in the investment group are members of the Nordstrom department store family. Hansen said he wont put a limit on the number of investors at this time. "I think we want to have a reasonable group of partners," Hansen said. "That will be the thing that is probably most missed from Steves involvement. One, hes a great guy and very successful in his career and would have added a lot of insights and value in operating the team. Thats probably the first thing that will be missed from having him as a partner and the second thing, given his net worth, (he) had the ability to be really the only other partner that we needed. In all likelihood there are not a lot of Steve Ballmers in the world with his financial well-being, so in all likelihood I think its reasonable to assume we have a few more partners rather than just one." Seattles hopes seemed to take a blow last week when Ballmer agreed to buy the Los Angeles Clippers for $2 billion. Among other things, it raised questions about whether Ballmers decision should be taken as a sign that Seattles hopes of getting a franchise are dwindling. Hansen tried to calm those concerns, noting the environmental reviews on the proposed arena site are ongoing aand that he remains committed to continuing the process both with the arena and a team.Kendall Reyes Chargers Jersey. . Hansens memorandum of understanding with the city of Seattle and King County on the arena goes through November 2017. "Everybody is very interested in what that means for right now. In six to nine months this will pass and well still be here trying to get our arena built and still be here trying to pursue a franchise and I think that is what is most important," Hansen said. "There is nothing we have to do. We own the land outright. There is no immediate time pressure that we have to do something and thats been very well received by the NBA as well -- the fact were willing to be patient and endure through this." Because of a lack of buzz about the NBA prior to Ballmer agreeing to purchase the Clippers, questions about whether the NHL could be first to land in Seattle have increased. It peaked recently when NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman flew to Seattle during the NHL playoffs to meet with Seattle Mayor Ed Murray and King County executive Dow Constantine. Hansen reiterated he does not have an interest in being the majority owner of an NHL franchise. But hes willing to partner with another investor who has that passion for the NHL. That would require a restructuring of the memorandum of understanding and Hansen said any re-writing of the deal would have to be initiated by the city and county. "We would like to be accommodative to get the NHL here. There should be no question about that. Were building this arena as a two-sport building. It has the larger footprint for hockey. Weve worked hard to do that. We would like to do everything in our power to allow hockey to come here in a way that makes sense for the NHL and for a prospective partner," Hansen said. Cheap NFL Jerseys China Cheap Jerseys Cheap NFL Jerseys Cheap Jerseys China Cheap MLS Soccer Jerseys ' ' '