英语纠音第二贴:NC1- L15 为什么我舌头打结?-
文章来源: 乐星2014-07-12 02:01:48

\r\nIt is a fine day today
\r\nThere are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shinning
\r\nMr Jones is with his family
\r\nThey are walking over the bridge
\r\nThere are some boats on the river
\r\nMr Jones and his wife are looking at them
\r\nSally is looking at a big ship
\r\nThe ship is going under the bridge
\r\nTim is looking at an aeroplane
\r\nThe aeroplain is flying over the river
\r\n各位XDJM们 ,因为父亲生病,我回国很久所以没有上来发帖了。回来后看到小曼还是一如既往地每日发帖,我很佩服。
\r\n我上周一直在练习,想把自己能纠正的 先纠正再让大家帮助继续提高,可是练习了很久我还是发现自己发音无法到位,就算我听得出不对的地方 自己也纠正不了。这里录的 是我已经练习了好多遍,还是这样。
\r\n关键问题,我发现我是舌头打结,舌头一说英文就好笨,没有力气 抬不起来。大家觉得呢?