Grandma Pedden
文章来源: Bluebonnets2014-07-04 10:09:20
Grandma Pedden是我先生Ted姐姐的婆婆。我随她的孩子称呼老人家Grandma Pedden。今天是七月四号美国国庆节,我以这篇短短的纪念文章作为我的第一个博文。人物、时间与地点作了一点修改。

我常常想起2001年在Larry(Grandpa Pedden)的追悼会上第一次见到Grandma Pedden的情形。她是那么敏捷、幽默,提到很久以前的往事,好象是昨天才发生的。她告诉我,每逢圣诞新年,Ted从来都是回家与父母共度佳节。非常感人,让我从侧面了解到Ted是个大孝子!

他们现在似乎一起向远方走去......  我会永远记得她

Grandma Pedden was the mother-in-law of my husband Ted’s sister. I followed her grandchildren to call her Grandma Pedden. Today is the Fourth of July,and I use this short memorial article as my first blog.
I always remember meeting with Grandma Pedden at Larry's memorial service in 2001. She was so sharp and witty mentioning events and things that Ted had forgotten long time ago. She told me that Ted always, always went home to spend Christmas with his Mom and Dad. It was very touching that she mentioned it, so this is how I learned that Ted is a good boy!
In my mind I always have the picture of Larry and Anita how they were raising the Stars and Stripes in their backyard to alert people that patriots were still alive and well. Another picture I carry with me is how they were trying to climb the steps leading up to the Dallas Concert Hall but had to give it up. They now seem to walk away and away together...
I will always remember her.