文章来源: 2006-03-25 06:14:49


静秋,钦佩你的淡定,羡慕你拥有一段在最美的青春岁月 -Mango11- (218 bytes) (19 reads) 2006-03-20





回复:静秋答网友 (链接) -Megan- (1224 bytes) (166 reads) 2006-03-21
Jing Qiu:
Thank you for the candid explanation.

1. What you experienced are typical for your generation and understandable. In 50s, 60s and part of 70s, love between two individuals was not encouraged,in some weird way "shameful". Teenagers at that time were very lack of education on love, relationship between man and woman. They did not expect to learn that from society, nor in most family.


In late 70s and 80s, finally there were more books to read. Most people got their knowlege from literature. They explored and experienced with some pride and some guilty feeling of sin from our ancient culture. Learning to respect each other came later because it is more difficult to learn. To me, Lao San was a rarity because he understands love and respect at time most young people did not.

2. Your sense of preparing for the worst even in good days was also quite a common attitude. In those enviroment, individual was so powerless, any change in society can turn one's life upside down.

3. Lao San showed wisdom in understanding love, I think he would understand marriage needs cultivation and would be a good husband.

4. I like your "Loser's philosopher".

Thank you for sharing your story with us.




meimei66     发表评论于 2006-03-23 17:29:00

Laoshan is an angel to show how the true love is. His beautiful soul lives forever in our minds. I admire his brave and unselfish love. Also, I believe he is happy in the heaven.


梦桐     发表评论于 2006-03-24 17:35:55







因为最近一直心情不好,好久没有跟贴了可是每天也在追着看, -misa---- (336 bytes) (33 reads) 2006-03-19

如果可以选择的话,老三一定会选择让自己来承受失去静秋的痛苦, 老三最后那样做,实在别无选择,况且静秋还曾经说过那样的话.




流泪不止,看着静秋“叫不出声,叫不出他的名字”,心里急替她叫 -mitten- (138 bytes) (133
流泪不止,看着静秋“叫不出声,叫不出他的名字”,心里急替她叫,真希望老三能睁开眼睛,能笑,当看到“两滴红色的、晶莹的泪。”我的心也流泪。。reads) 2006-03-19