Looking back on Covid Infection
文章来源: waterfowl2023-10-15 05:04:19

And One Day

Judy Jenkins


Transcending every sphere of society

Blocking quiet and self-reflection

Making lists only to check the box

An unexamined life emerges

“I’ve been so busy”

Words used to greet friends

Followed by a litany of all that gets packed into hectic schedules

Project to project

Appointment to appointment

Scurrying from one seemingly important commitment to another

And one day

Schools turn virtual

Offices go remote

Restaurants offer curb-side service

Busyness subsides ~ solitude, a friend from long ago, returns

The virus circulates

Masks become the new fashion accessory

Social distancing replaces handshakes and hugs

And one day

An unexamined life emerges

感染新冠时正值疫情高峰,死了很多人。医院如临大敌,马上将我送进Quarantine Ward的私人病房,隔离了两个星期。其实我没有什么症状,只是发烧/流鼻水而已,也没有咳嗽。私人病房加24-hour care每天费用约$500左右,政府100%买单,我分文不出。病房不错,还有沙发,办公桌。隔壁房的老人家咳了两天就去世了。


