Sick Last Week
文章来源: 7grizzly2017-10-01 11:56:02

The more I live, the more I become aware that
small things matter in my sense of well-being. So
today I'd like to record my sickness last week.

There seemed to be some virus in the air and
several colleagues went down with cold. I caught
it Tuesday afternoon. Symptoms included a dry
throat and low energy at the beginning, low fever
and body aches in the middle, and a slightly
running nose at the end. I stopped coffee,
fruit-fasted on Wednesday and ate very little on
Thursday. Friday, the engergy returned and I hiked
Mission Peak (half-way) on Saturday. By Sunday
morning, I have totally recovered.

One observation was that low energy seeemed to
lead to lack of discipline (it could be the other
way around). I tended to eat more and eat more
junk food when I didn't feel well. Once the sickness
was confirmed, I was able to stay away from food.
The effectiveness of fasting was real.

Overall, the symptoms were very mild compared to
past colds and they lasted less than a week. I was
very concious through the whole thing (some would
call it detachment), attributed perceived annoyances
to sickness, and didn't lose temper even once.

A few causes for the cold were within my control.
I could have had more cardio exercises and taken
it easy at work. Coffee seemed to gradually increase
stress. I might still have black coffee a couple of
times a week but shouldn't mix it with milk (the so
called latte, cappuccino, etc.).

Let's see if I can do better.