The Diet Takes A Warrior
文章来源: 7grizzly2017-01-22 14:59:26

Since mid-2016, I have experimented with the 

Warrior's Diet, a form of intermittent fasting. It

worked well and I was able to keep my weight at

around 142 lbs by the end of the year.


But overtime, discipline started to flag. One part

of it was complacency: I felt I had the "budget"

now to squander. The other part was plain old 

natural craving: I usually would start mindlessly

grazing on energy-dense foods, e.g., nuts, in the

mid-afternoon when hunger really kicked in (I 

should stop it before it gets bad). Dinner was the

over-eating phase and I would self-righteously

gorge on whatever on the table, often finishing

with chocolate candies and more nuts. Liqor didn't 

help. So early this year saw my weight soaring to

just under 148 lbs.


My goal is 140 lbs unless I'm putting on a lot of

muscles. I need to eat more fruits and veggies and

less nuts and candies. Brussel sprouts do not seem

to fatten and I like the stuff sauted in oil with

some bacon for flavor. Kale and broccoli are good

choices, too. I should have plenty of them at every

big meal.


To stop craving in the late afternoon, I should

eat a light lunch and one snack a few hours after

to curb the appetite at super when I have a big

meal. And the key there is to get a sense of

fullness and stop there instead of keeping

stuffing myself until uncomfortable. I think

that is easier to do when I don't feel too hungry

to start with.


These days, I am surrounded by foods all day

long including healthy fruits and nuts. And they

are free. Staying away from over-eating has never

been harder. This reminds me of Mr. Wallace's

"This is water." I must keep the goal in sight all

the time.