文章来源: 桃子苹果2022-04-23 10:43:01

一本是 The Personal Librarian  by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray

写的是 Belle da Costa Greene, 她是 JP Morgen 的 personal librarian。历史上确有其人。




“I know this life that I've lived is false at its core And while I yearn for another, I'm afraid because of the world we live in.”

“But that's the price, isn't it? Pretending to be someone that you're not . . .When I saw your picture in the New York Times, I was so proud, but I was also profoundly sad. I realize that to pursue one dream, you had to forsake your core identity. Changing a name is easy, changing your soul is impossible." Belle's father to Belle”
“I wonder sometimes if the sacrifice I made to have this success is worth it. . . .”


另一本Becoming Mrs. Lewis: The Improbable Love Story of Joy Davidman and C. S. Lewis by  Patti Callahan 



据说这部小说也是从Mr Lewis 的那本A Grief Observed。

不知道为什么,我好像更喜欢第一本。 权且记录下来,以后再听了,或许会有不同的感受。。