文章来源: 桃子苹果2020-09-27 12:28:41


The Mactch Maker by Elin Hilderbrand


Two By Two by Nickolas Sparks


“But wisdom means more than being intelligent, because it encompasses understanding, empathy, experience, inner peace, and intuition”

― Nicholas Sparks, Two By Two

“I know that’s not a popular notion—don’t we frequently regard our elders as wise partially because they’re gray and wrinkled?—but lately I’ve come to believe that some people are born with the capacity to become wise while others aren’t, and in some people, wisdom seems to be evident even at a young age. ”
― Nicholas Sparks, Two By Two

“Friendship isn't about how long you know someone. It's about who walls into your life, says 'I'm here for you,' and then proves it.”
― Nicholas Sparks, Two By Two