文章来源: 知名度比较高2007-05-21 08:31:05
看到一位网友问: 曾经在学术环境工作多年, 刚刚被一个公司雇佣4个月。 因为刚开始工作, 加上不熟悉industial的游戏规则, 所以, 老板给的project没有按时完成。 因此收到老板的email, 被警告: 要么保证以后加班工作,以确保可以按时完成。 要么, 走人。老板要求这位网友去签字。 于是网友问: 该怎么办?

就这个问题, 01234567同学的答复十分切实有用。 特此转贴过来, 和大家分享:

 Couple of steps he needs to take care of NOW.

1. Go and talk to the employer, ask clearly and loudly what this paper is and why he has to sign off this written warning if they have never ever talked to him before regarding performance issue.

2. To buy some time he may need to find an other job from a realistic view or to keep this position if he likes a lot, he should at least produce some and work a bit overtime including the weekends.

3. Make sure to ask what if he refuses to sign that written warning.

4. Ask for evidence of performance comparison with other employee in the same group.

5. Trying to get compensated if he can.

6. Take this as a lesson in searching for new job.

At this moment, he has nothing to loose. why? He has a job which is not his any more.