祝福还是诅咒:来自他(Charles Koch)父母的人寿保险
文章来源: 天涯追梦2020-09-01 23:22:54

在Charles Koch (CEO of Koch Industries) 的办公室里挂着一封来自他父亲Fred Koch 很久以前写的,存放在保险箱里的信。其中的语句很有意思:


On another wall hangs a framed letter Koch found in his father's safe deposit box after Fred's death in 1967. Written in 1936, the letter expresses concern about the life insurance policies Fred had purchased to pay for his children's education in case he died. “If you choose to let this money destroy your initiative and independence,” Fred wrote, “then it will be a curse to you and my action in giving it to you will have been a mistake.”