文章来源: 时间的灰烬2004-11-29 20:11:05











这个休斯顿的春天并不美丽。我倦了。就休假向北方去朋友那里散心。311日晨640分出发向密苏里去。还是夜色,5945的交通挺不错。休斯顿象一头怪兽引导出密乱的高速路,在高大的钢筋水泥建筑群里,无数的灯光一闪而过。一路飞奔向北,沿途旷野荒草凄凄,天地苍茫中顿时领略到德州大草原的粗犷。大约在粗犷的背后总有一点柔软的东西,你觉得有点苍凉。不觉就到了达拉斯,转道上35E。由於施工的缘故,车流汇集,两旁又是钢筋水泥。围城。你逃离城市在荒野里觉得孤独;回来之后你觉得压抑。人类,你这永不知足的东西!出达拉斯上35继续向北进入奥克拉赫玛,猎猎风中的大草原。The overall impression was that Oklahoma is a wild state. There were huge grassland, red soil, stony passes, and more…  Pale grass spread far out, beyond your vision, to the horizon. Trees were all pale, dead pale under the windy sky. Nowhere could you see anything green and alive. From time to time the pale grass showed up some "wheat waves". Anyway I did not have any 黍离之悲 at that moment. Perhaps only when you are in it could you feel it; it is generated from your life and heart. Any smart intelligence can not overcome this enormous barrier. Around noon I stopped in a small bar in a very small town for lunch.  The only thing for sale was but a sandwich made from two pieces of bread and a piece of ham. It is always true that rough land makes rough people. The town looked more like a mid-century European town. The dining tables and chairs were almost raw wood blocks. Apparently the several people around might have never seen a person from the East Globe. It is very often seen in today’s small American towns that people are born there, live there, and die there. They live more like a farmer in ancient China a thousand years ago, bound to his land. In the agricultural mid-states of US this is very much typical, a surprise to many foreigners. Time was precious for me and after a 20 minute stay I moved on, quickly approaching Oklahoma City.  I took a wrong exit which gave me a 20 min delay. While I was getting back to the highway and waiting for traffic lights, trains were passing with 中国远洋运输 on it. Oklahoma City seemed like a big spread-out city, taking full advantage of the huge prairie’s capacity.  The next city was Whichita in Kansas. This state first welcomed me with its cleanness along the Turpike highway. It was very neat with beautiful landscape like that in Lord of rings. Flat green (?) grassland extended out, marked by highways running like a twisted thread. Overall it was not wild; you could see some traces of human’s signature.  After a quick meal at the service station I kept going towards Kansa City and arrived there in the evening. Some struggle in the city cost me another 20minutes and I was on Highway 70 to Columbia, Missouri. In the dark night the small University town was absolutely quiet and peaceful. Seeing my friend was a happy thing as always. Eating up some noodles and chatting for a while, I went to stay in a small hotel.此地犹冷,窗式空调嗡嗡作响。和衣而卧顿生流离之感。翻阅世纪末系列之北大诗集,终於睡去。梦里可有面朝大海春暖花开么 ?


