3月8日 - 望星空
文章来源: 戊己庚辛2024-04-09 17:13:25




抬头望,夜星空,银河系, 尽繁星。

数不尽, 理不清,仔细看, 望远镜。

眨眼亮, 耀眼明。看背后, 万颗星。

行万里, 浪不停,奔南极, 天灰朦。


幕降鄰, 夜骤冷。不觉间, 骤起风。

海风拂,夜幕宁。天际线, 与海平。

北斗星, 闽王星。众小星, 簇明星。

银河系, 万颗星。无云时, 挂夜空。

薄云飘, 星朦胧。抬望眼, 穹星空。


Note: Sailing from Uruguay to the Falkland Islands through the night in the Atlantic Ocean aroused the interest to see the stars in the black sky. While the ocean wave roars but the dark sky is serene with shining stars twinkling. The milky way as background made shining stars brighter with Dog Star leading the way. The sky and sea is blurred together on horizon but those bright stars provide guidance.