Psychiatric Li Li on display
文章来源: 王利民2022-01-13 08:01:54
Psychiatric Li Li on display
Jan. 13, 2022, Thu
Limin Wang
The psychiatric woman Li Li has her frequent bouts of psychiatric angry murmuring when she is not on any communication or contact with me. Li Li starts just on her own, just like minutes ago she was lying with her outfit on bed doing nothing but simply starting her angry low-volume self-murmuring. This living space physically has only me and her since my younger daughter was ripped away by the American Evil System on the night of Sept. 24 to 25, 2021, and my elder daughter was seduced by the same bunch of humanscums of the American Evil System to stay on college campus during this winter break. I can not endure Li Li's long-years' psychiatric destruction to me and my two children. When I called 911 in the past trying to get help from the system, the NYC police multipe-times came to taunt, irritate, intimidate, and then attempt murder on me, and the medical either came and brought her away without me or any child as a company to somewhere that police had lied on to me, or simply was not dispatched. Last time I called 911 was on Nov. 18, 2021, during which I clearly stated the need of only medical for Li Li. The shameless cruelty and reality is medical never came and two policemen in apparent hostile attitude toward me came NINETY MINUTES later. By that time, the psychiatric Li Li was mysteriously no more staying and ranting in the front yard of this rental building (136-09 59th Ave, Flushing, NY 11355). Anyone nearby interested in witnessing the psychiatrism of Li Li on display now? She is currently once again staying and ranting in the front yard.