为现实历史,我一定要顽强地清醒地活着For Current History, I Must Stubbornly and Con
文章来源: 王利民2019-08-18 09:04:28

为现实历史,我一定要顽强地清醒地活着For Current History, I Must Stubbornly and Consciously Live
王利民 by Wang, Limin
2019年8月18日 Aug. 18, 2019

我于2018年1月16日在B.Q.Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, Inc. (109-35 178th St, Jamaica, NY 11433)所遭受的从被人故意破损的八英尺梯子上跌落的脑、脊工伤愈发严重,其后经历工伤诊疗、工伤理赔经历诸多被阴暗操作,最近的社安残疾申请已显现龌龊端倪。最近的这个八月的某些天,从该工伤开始的心绞痛极度剧烈,让我直接再次面临死亡,这种心绞痛不是因为心脏本身,而是因为脑、脊受伤。我的个人经历和感受是,几乎没有国家政权、机构、保险、雇主、个人在乎我的死活,反而可以明目张胆地黑白颠倒。本来从一开始就是被合谋被预谋的谋害谋杀案,我向他们要生命、赔偿和正义,是否显得我自己非常荒唐愚蠢?还是以我的荒唐愚蠢来揭示这个假冒伪劣毒世界的真实人吃人面目?我没有资格证要求系统改变?

On Jan. 16, 2018, at B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, Inc. (109-35 178th St, Jamaica, NY 11433), I sustained severe brain and spine injuries from falling off a broken 8-ft stepladder (deliberately tampered by somebody). The sequelae have become worse and worse. In the process of this Workers' Compensation case, I have experienced numerous treacherous maneuvers from other parties. The beginning of the recent application for social security disability has shown signs of troubles to me to this end. Several days in this August, the angina which started since the date of injury was so extreme that I was directly facing death once again. Such angina should be not due to any problem of the heart itself, instead, should be due to the trauma to the brain and spine. I personally believe from my personal experiences that almost no governments, institutions, insurances, employer, individuals care about my life or death, but they can openly and willingly twist the facts or truth. From the very beginning, it is a premeditated and coordinated murder attempt against my life, would it be so ludicrous for me to request life, compensation, and justice from them? or my ludicrousness actually exposes the cannibalistic cruelty under such bogus and yet toxic system? Do I need a permit to ask for a system change?