1905年美国最流行的歌曲:Give My Regards to Broadway
文章来源: 一蓝2013-06-02 16:15:04

1905年美国最流行的歌曲:Give My Regards to Broadway (向百老汇致敬)是一首George M. Cohan为他于1904年在百老汇首演的音乐剧《小约翰琼斯》里写的一首歌。这首歌在1900-1909十年排行旁中排在了第7位。


这首伤感的歌曲有很多录制版本。年詹姆斯·卡格尼在他的获1942年奥斯卡奖描写Cohan生活的音乐电影“Yankee Doodle Dandy(胜利之歌)”里把这首歌编排了独舞。


在最早的Billy Murray版本中歌曲的格式如下:

Verse 1

Did you ever see two Yangkees part upon a foreign shore

When the good ship's just about to start for Old New York once more?

With a tear-dimmed eye they say goodbye, they're friends without a doubt;

When the man on the pier shouts, "Let them clear!", as the ship strikes out...

Verse 2

Say hello to dear old Coney Isle, if there you chance to be,

When you're at the Waldorf have a "smile" and charge it up to me;

Mention my name ev'ry place you go, as 'round the town you roam;

Wish you'd call on my gal, now remember, old pal, when you get back home...


Give my regards to Broadway, remember me to Herald Square,

Tell all the gang at Forty-Second Street, that I will soon be there;

Whisper of how I'm yearning to mingle with the old time throng;

Give my regards to old Broadway and say that I'll be there ere long.

代我问候百老汇,记得替我去先锋广场(Herald Square),告诉所有在第四十二街的伙计们,不久我将回去;跟他们说我是多么想念跟他们在一起时的光辉的旧时时光,替我向老百老汇致敬并说不久我会回到那里。