9/3 星期一
文章来源: jgey2007-09-02 21:09:31
周四和Robert的第二次约会,晚饭,icecream,电影。6点半,他来办公室接我,在ROTI吃晚饭,看来ROTI的swordfish burger确实名声在外,Robert也知道。然后离电影开始还有时间,于是去ColdStone吃冰淇淋,我并不是ColdStone的big fan,icecream太甜,且总是很多人排队。还好,周四晚上人不算多,排了10分钟而已,我跟Robert提到ColdStone的staffs以前会一边做icecream,一边唱他们的theme songs, 今晚好像没有唱。结果轮到我们的时候,Robert竟然问staffs能不能为我们唱theme songs,staffs唱了两遍,排队的人都乐不可支,我哭笑不得。吃过冰淇淋后,去看电影,[Oceans 13],故事还可以,George Clooney还是一如既往的迷人,相比之下,Matt Damon就显得太嫩了。最后,在车站say goodbye, I thought it gonna be a good night kiss or hug, but it didnt happen, I was a little confused. Later talked with 2 dating experts, --Dave and George, about this matter, but they gave totally different opinions. Dave thinks, Robert is well self-disciplined, and being a gentleman, shows the respect for me, blah blah...(省略500字)So Dave suggests me to make the move. But George said, this guy is looking for a wife, so he wanna make some mental connection first, a guy at that age wouldnt think of sex as much as young guys do, so, just enjoy the lust-less dating first. LOL! Well, so far, the dating is really cool, I dont have to worry about anything, Robert arranges all, restaurants, movies... In this way, mature guys are much much better than young guys who never get things arranged well. I feel I am being taken good care of, I thought I would hate this feeling, but surprisingly, I do enjoy it quite much, very relieved. And what gonna happen next? I dont know, I cant predict in this case, since Robert is quite different from those young guys I had been dating with, he is out of the pattern. We will see.

周六去shopping,终于到9月,不用信用卡一整月的目标已达成,于是解禁,又开始猛刷卡。周日上午加班,顺便去看了新的办公室,shabby,没办法,我以往待的办公楼基本都是最新最fancy的,自然落差很大。S也有同感,he from a big bank, banks have great offices. 无所谓啦,只要赚钱就好,我们很快还会再搬的。

下午和Dave去秋叶原闲逛,他要买新的laptop,让我帮忙看,我趁机讹他consulting fee. 然后在咖啡店的open terrace坐着聊天,我和Dave的关系很relaxing,可以无所不谈,而且我每次见他都不用化妆,随便抓件t-shirt,短裤,拖鞋,棒球帽,舒服无比。结果Dave一见我就问,怎么穿着pajama就出来了... He is getting back with his ex-wife, seems they get along well now, but I can tell Dave has some confusion, well, if you wanna be with someone, have to compromise here or there. He still laughs at my big goal, --to get married by this year, LOL.

I am still reading the philosophy book, and Immanuel Kant, his theories are quite impressive, give me a lot of new ideas. To make it short, he said, only when you can control yourself, you on your free will. I think this explains well the relation between commitment and freedom, simply, if you just follow your natural instinct, you dont make any choice with your own will, then you dont have the freedom. How cool the theory is!