6/18 星期一
文章来源: jgey2007-06-17 22:17:05
第一周, 时间过得很快, 每天都忙忙碌碌, 不过好象也没做什么. 周末玩了个够.

周五, 和MIHO去A971喝酒. 周六睡了一整天, 晚上和YASUKO, KEVIN, 还有YASUKO的一个朋友一起去一个JAZZ BAR. Its quite cool, then we decided to stay over night having fun, we went to roppongi later, clubbing for the whole night. I was so exhausted, and surprisingly felt those cheesy clubs were kinda boring, I used to love them, great music, cute young guys, and packed dancing floors... Guess I am getting old, I actually enjoyed the jazz bar more, which is much more expensive and high class, very laid back, relaxing. For certain ages, people like different things, I am already over with the cheesy undergroud clubs, after all, I am not 20 years old any more.

周日下午要工作, 我早晨到家后, 只睡了2个小时, 整个下午靠咖啡支持. S is the president of the company, he is working for a japanese bank now, he supposed to quit that job by september. So now, he can only get time on weekends for meetings with us, 从1点一直做到7点, 结束的时候, 我有一种终于解放了的感觉. 我和Dave约在六本木见面, 一起吃晚饭, 然后散步. 夏日夜晚, 天气极好, 温暖又清爽, 走累了, 我带他去我常去的一家意大利餐厅, 有open terrace. 我们坐在外面, 要了一瓶WINE, 一边喝酒, 一边天南地北的胡侃, 这实在是人生一大乐事, 美丽的夏夜, delicious wine, 意气相投的朋友, 随心所欲的谈话, 还有比这更让人觉得comfortable的吗? 喝到兴致正好, 我们决定去刚才路过的一个小公园, 里面有各种造型的滑梯. 2个成年人兴致勃勃的坐滑梯, 不亦乐乎.

回到家已经夜里1点, 本来计划周末打扫房间, 计划永远没有变化快, 看来打扫要留到这一周, 我的房间已经几乎没有"立足之地". 今天一样很困, 懒得dress up, 随便抓了件T-SHIRT, 套上破洞的JEANS, 还有拖鞋, 就来上班, 幸好是start up, 一切都随便.

关于新公司, 很多issue, 等我有时间再慢慢写, 现在觉得很懒.